Sunday, October 07, 2007

A future in numbers

Lucas' recent obsession with reading numbers has opened up some new career options for him.

- Store clerk - In the grocery store, he reads all the prices of things as we walk by. "Apples for $3.99, strawberries for $4.99." And he extended his services to some of the other customers as well. To someone standing in front of the crackers, he informed them, "Those crackers are four dollars and twenty-nine cents". The man just nodded and walked away, as you would when a crazy street person tells you that he was just saw Jesus Christ walk by with a panda bear.

- Traffic cop - Even on the shortest of drives around town, Lucas keeps me honest by constantly checking with me on how fast I'm driving. He will see a speed limit sign and say, "Mommy, do you know how fast you're driving? The speed limit here is 25. I think you're going faster than that."

I guess my mom has to wait a little longer for Lucas to figure out he wants to be a surgeon.

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