Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Extra income

I've joked before about Lucas' future career options. But if we needed extra cash, there are some things he could do right now to earn some money for the family:

- Car crash choreographer - Lucas takes time and thought into directing any high-speed chases that we have in the house. "First Lightning jumps over the pillow, flips in the air, lands on his back, but then he bounces back onto the racetrack."

- Sound effects - Inspired by Lightning McQueen's signature, "Ka-Chow!" Lucas is now really into making his own sound effects. "Pa-Chow" and "Pa-Ching" are his current favorites.

- Party planner - When Lucas proposes a new activity for us to do, he describes the activity in great detail, "I have an idea. We could play cars, you're Fillmore and I'm Lightning. Then we could have lunch. And then, we can go to the playground and ride my scooter!" He always ends it with the phrase, "How fun is that??!!"

- Criminal interrogator
Lucas: Remember when you picked me up from school, you said I could have a juicebox for dinner.
Me: No, I didn't say that.
Lucas: I remember that mommy. You said that, you did!
Me: No, I wouldn't have said that Lucas.
Lucas: You said that mommy! I heard you.
Me: No, I know I didn't say that Lucas.
Lucas: Now you're telling lies. [shakes head] You need to tell the truth!

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