9:15 - Lucas and I boarded the ferry for Lucas' first boat ride. We took the ferry from Jack London Square to the Ferry Building in SF. It was amazing, I had never taken this ferry before. Luckily for us, we got a respite from the frigid temperatures we were experiencing. It was a gorgeous day! Blue blue skies and not too cold.

10:30 - We left the ice skating rink. Lucas' pants were soaked and I didn't have an extra pair because ice skating was an unplanned event. Knowing we still had to go to the Ferry Building for lunch and catch the 12:15 ferry back to Oakland, we risked it and went in search of a kids clothing store so I could pick up a dry pair of pants for Lucas. We found a Gap Kids in the Embarcadero, and picked up some pants
11:00 - We went back towards the Ferry Building. Lucas wanted to play tag, so we ran each other around the JH Plaza. He did a fair share of pigeon chasing too (yuck!) and I snapped some photos and video.

12:15 - We boarded the ferry back to Oakland. We packed a lot into our 3 hours, but we had a great time!