Saturday, September 22, 2007

Party like it's 1999

I wasn't at a party, I was on a business trip with my co-workers to New York. I got to stay in a fancy hotel, eat out at nice restaurants and had all day meetings.

Thursday night, we celebrated a day of successful meetings, and I had a drink.
I celebrated being out in NY with no big and little people waiting for me at home, and had another drink.
I celebrated having just bought a new pair of boots since my shoes had been killing me all day. Yes, I had another drink.
I celebrated meeting up with my friend in NY who I haven't seen for at least five years. So I had two drinks.

I haven't had that much to drink since my early 20s (seriously).

I woke up Friday morning and my head was still a little squishy from the night before. I packed my stuff up in 5 minutes so as not to miss my flight. I left all my toiletries at the hotel. I felt nauseous in the taxi ride to the airport, but felt better once I got on the plane. I slept almost the entire way home. Then right before I got off the plane, I ran to the bathroom and barfed.

Prince would have been proud.

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