Throughout this construction process, I had been looking forward to being able to have input on some of the decisions. I mean, there's only so much for me to say about the HVAC system.
Now that we're in decision-making mode for the kitchen, I've become a non-committal nut case. Countertops keep me up at night and online early in the morning, searching for the "right" one. I posted a question on Berkeley Parents Network ( on concrete counters and was invited to Larkspur to check out some counters. And, of course, I went!
As our contractor says, there is no perfect countertop, they all have their ups and downs. Well, this may be true, but it's driving me batty.
After discussing the virtues of concrete counters with our contractor yesterday and leaving the meeting with the "decision" of moving forward with concrete, I had to poll everyone I knew who either recently redid their kitchen or just those who know a lot about kitchens. And of course, everyone has a different opinion. Granite, honed granite, tile, soapstone...there are just too many choices. I'm one step away from creating a countertop matrix (appearance, durability, price, degrees of porosity, levels of stain-resistance, color options). It would help kill time, but I don't think it will get me any closer to making a decision.
My friend Monica says that since all countertops have their issues, I should just go with what I like. Easier said than done, my friend. If anyone has input, please let me know!