Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween...a bittersweet holiday

Since last Wednesday Lucas has been down and out with croup. So, no preschool, no playdates, and a very minimal Halloween.

Our first stop was to Jeannie's to pick up some good Halloween loot. We walked around the block with Jeannie, Zach, and Maggie. But Lucas wanted to take off his costume and walked around in his shorts and t-shirt. Sorry, no Halloween picture this year.

Once we got in the car, Lucas started screaming, "I want more candy!". I told him if he didn't stop, we would go straight home. His screaming decreased to a pitiful whimper.

So we went to Whitney's house. Lucas had his first Butterfinger and loved it. Of course, after eating his and most of mine, he started in on "more candy". So we made a hasty departure and went home and decorated his pumpkin with the Mr. Potatohead kit from Jeannie. It was a big success.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I could contribute. My takeaway from this year is that one should never spend a lot of hard work on their child's costume. It may be worn for minutes or not at all.