Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

1. Drink hot chocolate only on the weekends. This is a big year for me. It's the first time I didn't list "Don't eat as much chocolate" as one of my resolutions. I think I'm much better at self-regulating this now. It's just the hot chocolate that I need to watch!
2. Cook three real dinners a week. Peanut butter sandwiches, quesadillas and cheese toast don't count.
3. Keep the car clean. For those of you who have been in my car, you know this is not easy for me.
4. Do something active 5 days a week. I kept my resolution of working out 3 times a week last year. I started going to the Ice Chamber 6am bootcamp 3 mornings a week and will continue this year. But I want to up the ante a little with doing something active two additional days, which would include the 30 minute round trip walk to and from Semifreddis for my hot cocoa.
5. Read more books. I didn't read much last year, even with my book group. I didn't read some of them because I either didn't have time or they didn't interest me, and that's fine. I don't want to spend time reading books that don't sound interesting to me.

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