Here's the IM exchange between me and Kevin this afternoon.
kevin: beans jus took a piss all over our bathroom floor
sunny_mckay: why?
sunny_mckay: was he trying to make it into the toilet?
kevin: no idea
sunny_mckay: did he do it on purpose?
kevin: he said he was sorry
sunny_mckay: oh, so probably not on purpose
kevin: but not sure how it could have been an accident
sunny_mckay: can you clean him and it up
kevin: yeah already did
sunny_mckay: did he not make it in time?
sunny_mckay: someimtes if he's peeing and talking to me at the same time, he turns his little monkey body and the pee goes outside of the toilet.
kevin: I asked him how it happened and he said "it just came out the end of my penis"
kevin: I gave him the benefit of the doubt
sunny_mckay: good
sunny_mckay: are you guys having fun?
kevin: yeah
sunny_mckay: do you want to be a stay at home dad?
kevin: fuck that
kevin: I wanted to strangle him 2 times already today
kevin: but now he is joyfully dancing around naked to the african music with the new butterfly net I got him
kevin: o and I got him 2 poopie toys
kevin: a helicopter and a jet

kevin: I told him he can play with them after he takes a dump in the toilet
kevin: we went to mr mops
sunny_mckay: cool
sunny_mckay: what are you guys doing?
kevin: beanie just shit on the floor and in his hand
kevin: we are having a very eventfull day
kevin: I told him is was ok as long as he is trying
kevin: so then he squeezed one more out in the toilet so he is now playing with his poopie reward helicopter
sunny_mckay: what do you mean? he shit on the floor, with pants on or off?
sunny_mckay: which floor?
kevin: in the living room
kevin: nude dude
sunny_mckay: shit!
kevin: shat right in the center of the room
sunny_mckay: what was he doing?
kevin: and in his hand
sunny_mckay: did he ask for a diaper?
sunny_mckay: what the fuck?
kevin: yeah
sunny_mckay: and you didn't give him the diaper?
kevin: no
sunny_mckay: what did he think about going in the toilet?
sunny_mckay: jesus, are you sure it's totally cleaned up?
kevin: he he just did another one all by himself
kevin: so proud
kevin: youd think he just got a nobel
kevin: man he shits allot
sunny_mckay: in teh toilet or on my pillow?
sunny_mckay: are you wiping his butt?
sunny_mckay: did he poop in the toilet the 2nd time?
kevin: yes
kevin: all by himself
sunny_mckay: did you wipe him?
sunny_mckay: he needs help with that
kevin: I think we had a major break through
kevin: so the deal with the poo toys is he gets them all day after he dumps in the toilet
kevin: then the next day he needs to earn them again
sunny_mckay: cool
sunny_mckay: did you wipe him?
kevin: yes with your pillow
sunny_mckay: seriously, you need to wipe him
kevin: actually I did the first 3 wipes then let him do the last after he was basically clean
kevin: but he gets the habit and the satisfaction of a job well done
sunny_mckay: good, nice job!
kevin: thx
Bottom line: Lucas pooped several times in the toilet over the course of the day. Even at his new school, where we went tonight for an orientation.
Lucas' last words on poop: While getting ready for bed, I told Lucas how proud we are of him that he went poop in the toilet. He said, "I sure am good at pooping in the toilet now!"
Lesson learned: Bribery works.
Big question: Will it last??